Born under the shade of the sails of Scampia, difficult neighborhood at the periphery of Naples. Born in 1980, she embarked on a career in the music world working very hard , starting as a waitress in many clubs and then as a dancer for several years.

Today, Deborah De Luca plays in many clubs all over the world: France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Switzerland, Germany, Morocco, Slovenia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Armenia, Russia and continues to produce always fresh and innovative music , although she doesn’t belong to any musical trend , but conciliates always different tastes.

Tour Dates

Adelaide: Friday 2nd November – Electric Circus

Sydney: Saturday 3rd November – Greenwood

Sydney: Saturday 3rd November – Burdekin

Brisbane: Sunday 4th November – Capulet

Melbourne: Monday 5th November – Shed 9 (With Reinier Zonneveld)

Melbourne: Monday 5th November – Brown Alley