Andreas Henneberg Tour Dates:

Friday 10th March – Monday 13th March, Babylon, Victorian Bushlands

Saturday 18th March, Heinz Music Label Showcase, Rubix Warehouse, Melbourne

Born in Berlin and still living, loving and working in this beautiful pulsating city. Founder of Voltage Musique Records and Cascandy as well as part of The Glitz and Hennon. Feeling home at the well established Bremen based Plantage13 family.? Releasing on record labels like Voltage Musique, Get Physical, Herzblut, SNOE, Heinz Music, Toolroom and many more.? Truly one of the most productive people in electronic music scene even if you don’t know. You can find him behind the scenes since the mid 90’s as a producer, label owner, mastering engineer and of course as a DJ.? A vast number of productions, publications and releases are the result of nearly 20 years studio and stage-experience.